Mit der CONRAD -App finden Sie alles, was das Technikherz begehrt - ganz bequem.
Whether user, hobbyist or freak - we provide clever ideas and practical solutions for any technology use.
Entdecken Sie mit der CONRAD -App unser umfangreiches Sortiment von über 750.000 Produkten. Browse through our product worlds and categories.
On multiple wishes, we installed a first version of the my account area and notepad. You can now register with your customer account or register as a new customer, call up your stored notes and add items, call up your stored shopping cart and watch and change your account details. We will gradually add further functions with the upcoming updates.
The functions at a glance:
- Shop with all categories and products - do your entire purchase within the app
- Product search with comprehensive filter functions
- Scan barcode to get all product information and current prices and availability even faster
- See and write product reviews
- Manage user data and view orders
- Sailing tracking for open orders
- CONRAD -Kundenkarte in der App registrieren, so haben Sie sie in digitaler Form immer dabei
- All CONRAD branches at a glance with route function
- Simply recommend products to friends and family, via Facebook, Twitter and email
- Main catalogs, branch supplements and special editions for leafing and browsing
Wir arbeiten kontinuierlich an der Weiterentwicklung, Fehlerbehebung und neuen Funktionen der CONRAD -App. For this we rely on your feedback: we would like to know how you like the new functions and what we can do even better! Bitte schreiben Sie uns Ihre Fragen und Anregungen per E-Mail an kundenservice@ CONRAD .de
Wir streben eine regelmäßige Aktualisierung der CONRAD -App etwa alle 2 Monate an.
Erläuterung der Berechtigungen, welche die CONRAD -App anfragt:
- Identity - Saving your customer account on the device and receiving push notifications
- Standort - Berechnung der Entfernung zur nächsten CONRAD -Filiale
- Photos/media/files - Save the charged data, also on the external memory card
- Kamera - Scannen Ihrer CONRAD -Kundenkarte und Artikel-Barcodes
- Anrufinformationen - Anruf der CONRAD -Hotline aus der App heraus
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